Aqua Tower Phase 1
Kelowna, British Columbia
46,000 square feet total on this tanked project, Voltex DS under slab with Voltex DS on walls.
Construction by Mission Group, Installation by Flynn
SOHO Mixed Use
Kelowna, British Columbia
31,000 square feet total on this tanked project, Voltex DS under slab with Voltex on walls.
Construction by Greyback Construction, Installation by Kelowna Dampproofing
SSSR Building
CFB Esquimalt, British Columbia
Electrical Vault
Unique Conditions: Metal Sheet Piling separated the ocean from the building site. This install began at 2am (lowest tide) and was completed over 3 consecutive tide cycles. This is a tank application (under slab and vertical walls) with Ultraseal XP. This project is complete with a 10 year Hydroshield Warranty.
Construction by Scansa Construction & JR Trory
4 feet of water waiting for the tide to recede
Foundation walls with the wrap from under the slab before the protection board.
*Over 40 individual detailed penetrations*
Complete with protection board
Calgary, Alberta
50,000 square feet of Coreflex with 15 Year Hydroshield Warranty
Unique Conditions: Concrete Casson & Wood Lagging, blindside shotcrete Application, 40’ into the water table
Construction by Ellis Don & Durwest
Calgary, Alberta
425,000 square feet of Swelltite with 5 Yr Hydroshield Warranty
Cut & Cover Tunnel
Underpass Walls with Swelltite & Seamtape
Expansion Joint Wall/Footing
Protection Board over Swelltite
Kelowna, British Columbia
100,000 square feet of Voltex DS - Tanking Application (under slab and vertical walls)